1937 - 2012
Bio of Dr.Geraldine L. Peterson

Pastor Dr. Geraline Peterson was born in Wilson, N.C. where she was saved at the early age of 11 years old under the leadership of the late J.W. Jackson of Aden, N.C. She answered her call to the ministry in 1963. She held offices under the United Holy Church of America, Inc. in Wilson, N.C. In Feburary of 1958, Dr. Peterson moved to Baltimore, MD. She served as Vice President, Field Worker, and President of Home Missionary Department of the Baltimore-Washington sub-division. She also evangelized under the Baltimore-Washington sub-division as well as whenever she was needed in ministry. Dr. Peterson was later appointed Assistant Pastor at the True Way United Holy Church where she served faithfully under the leadership of Pastor Ruby Woodson. In 1980, Ebenezer Outreach United Holy Church was birthed from a vision that God gave Dr. Peterson. Service was held at the home of Dr. Peterson and later moved to 2436 Madison Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland.
While pastoring and working hard to fulfill the vision, she was appointed District Elder under the Original United Holy Church of America. Inc. by the President of the Northern District, Bishop John W. Lewis
Dr. Peterson returned to higher education after being out of school for a number of years. She enrolled in the Family Bible Institute College and Seminary in Baltimore, MD. She obtained a Bachelor of Theology Degree, Master of Divinity, and a Doctoral of Ministry and Mission. She began teaching at her Alma Mata, Family Bible Insitute College and Seminary in 2002. Although, this sholastic undertaking was one of disipline and hard work, Dr. Peterson remained faithful to her duties as Pastor of Ebenezer Outreach Ministries, Inc. On March 26, 2004, the Church moved to its present location, 3105 Puget Street Baltimore, Md. On December 6, 2004, a school was born: Ebenezer Bible Institute Inc. Also, under Dr.Peterson's Leadership the Church purchased and paid for a 15 passenger Van and obtained the blue print for the extension of Ebenezer Outreach Ministries, Inc. On January 3, 2012 Dr. Peterson Departed this life and went home to be with the Lord. Although, we miss her dearly, we rejoice in the fact that we where able to sit up under such great Leadership and teaching from a Virtuos Woman of God, having pass down the mantle to our current Pastor Dr. Patricia Rhodes and having obtain help from God, we continue to work towards the vision of our late pastor, Dr. Geraldine Lee Peterson. Please keep us in your prayers!