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Jude 1:24

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory,

with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory, and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.



Reverend Dr. Patricia Rhodes serves as the Pastor of Ebenezer Outreach Ministries United Church of God, Incorporated in Baltimore, Maryland.  She has been serving in this capacity since January 2011 after the passing of our precious Dr. Geraldine L. Peterson.  She served as Co-Pastor for two years and as Youth Pastor for four years.  Pastor Rhodes is presently the District Superintendent of the United Church of God, Incorporated under the leadership of Reverend Claude L. Campbell, Chief Celebrant General Prelate.


Before moving to Balitimore, Pastor Rhodes was a faithful member of Guiding Star United Holy Church of America in Roselle, New Jersey where the late Bishop Elijah Holmes served as Pastor.  She moved to Baltimore, Maryland in April 1967 and was a faithful member of Greater Faith Hope United Church of America where Bishop Millard Cox was pastor.


In July, 1980 Pastor Rhodes became a member of Ebenezer Original United Holy Church where the late Dr. Geraldine L. Peterson served as pastor for 32 years.  Pastor Rhodes has been a faithful servant and is one that loves the Lord. Her service also included cleaning the church, cooking, serving in the kitchen and lifting up at all services.


Pastor Rhodes was called to the Ministry in 1982 and licensed to preach.  She recieved her Evangelist Credential in July, 1987 and was ordained in 1994.


Pastor Rhodes held the following positions: Deaconess, Chairperson of the Trustee Board of our church, Vice President of the Missionary Department, President of the Pastor's Aid, recording secretary, Choir Director, served as the secretary of the Board of Presbytery for the Original United Holy Church of America, teacher of our Bible Church School Adult Class.


With the Lord's help she is determine to carry out the "Vision of her late Pastor Dr. Geraldine L. Peterson and the Church". Her desire is to build up the body of Christ: reaching out to those in need. Our church motto is: "In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths"


In 2011 Pastor Rhodes was honored for her years of service and faithfulness to the Pastor and Church. 


She worked for CIGNA Insurance Company for 16 years and in December 2011 celebrated her 20th year at Allstate Insurance Company. She always worked in a leadership position.


Pastor Rhodes receivd her Bachelor of Theology, Master of Divinity and Doctorate of Ministry Degree from Family Bible College and Seminary.


One of the most cherished blessings in life is family.  Pastor Rhodes feels that to have a family naturally and spiritually that encourages you, supports you and participates in ministry is a gift that must not be taken for granted.



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